Agency Dashboard: A quick review

As an agency, your dashboard will have a detailed and collective analysis of your resources and team composition.

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Written by CodeMonk
Updated over a week ago

What information can you find on your agency dashboard?

Completing your profile by uploading as many resources as possible can boost your profile and collaborative skills graph. Developers with multiple skill sets to boost your skill composition, your agency talents can apply to different job openings that comes up on CodeMonk platform.

Team Composition and collective skills graph:

A collective skills graph displaying the skills of your resources (collectively), including soft skills and technical skills, will show up on your dashboard, as shown below:

Team composition and collective skill graph

The DISC and skills graph gives a comprehensive vision of the skill sets of your resources to the employers.

Collective earnings of your resources:

Once your resources start working through the CodeMonk platform, you will also see the collective earnings graph on the dashboard, as shown.

Current open jobs

Current Openings:

Apart from the composition and resources, you can also view the job openings that are currently available on the platform. You can click on them to view the openings or refer a resource for the available job profile.

Your agency dashboard can be your 'one-stop' destination to manage your resources, apply for jobs or manage your earnings. Complete your agency profile on the CodeMonk platform to enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive dashboard!

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